Notice is hereby given for the St Sylvesters’s Ladies AGM which will be held in the clubhouse in Church Road, Malahide, on Wednesday 11th December at 7:30pm.
Nominations are sought for Ladies Committee positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Juvenile Officer, Ladies PRO, Referee Co-Ordinator, Football Development Officer, Delegates to the County Board and Camogie Officer for 2025. If interested please email no later than 7:30pm Wednesday 27th November.
Agenda and meeting reports will be posted in advance of the meeting.
If any member wishes to submit a motion for discussion and consideration by the members at the Annual General Meeting, please provide details of the motion to the Secretary by 7:30pm on Wednesday 27th November 2024.
Only fully registered members of the club are eligible to attend the AGM and vote in the election of ladies section officers.