St. Sylvesters

Founded 1903

Co. Dublin

A CLUB FOR ALL SEASONS - St. Sylvester’s GAA Development Plan Update June 2021

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At our Club AGM in November 2020 we described in detail our overall vision of a Sports Campus in  Broomfield and potential re-orientation of playing areas in Malahide Castle Demesne. We are now at stage whereby the proposals can be confirmed and are described in the presentation at this link: BROOMFIELD DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION 2021

In Broomfield, the proposed development entails the following – 

• Transformation of three new grass playing pitches (one adult and two juvenile) 

• New walkways, cycling paths and planted tree areas 

• Extended car parking facilities 

• Enhanced changing rooms & toilets 

• New gym and pavilion development 

• Extension of ball wall to provide more winter training facilities 

In the Castle Demesne our overall footprint will remain the same as present, with movement of the  smaller pitch in Bridgefield to the Front of Castle (leaving one full sized pitch at Bridgefield) 

As a Club Executive we are now formally reaching out to our membership base asking you to  endorse these exciting proposals. We believe they will radically improve the playing experience for  so many of our members and ensure that we have adequate pitches and facilities to cater for our  growing numbers coming through juvenile sections well into the future. 

The endorsement will take the form of a delivered vote which will decide if the membership  supports these proposals or indeed if the membership does not wish to proceed with these  developments. If you have any questions or queries regarding these proposals, please email

Electronic voting slips will be provided in the next few days. 

Note that only full club members on the date of this communication are entitled to engage in this  process.



Q. What is happening with the area in Bridgefield that we will no longer use – are Fingal CC  planning to put a car park in this area? 

A. Any decision regarding the use of this area will be determined by Fingal CC who will  undertake their own processes if and when they propose to change the use of this area. Fingal CC  have not indicated to us any imminent change of use for this area. 

Q. When will this all start and how will we manage the transition period? 

A. We would hope to start the overall process in 2021 and it will take several years to conclude.  Once we are all aligned with the overall vision we can start to plan how we would manage through  all the required changes. 

Q. Will the land change ownership from Fingal CC to St Sylvesters GAA Club? A. No – all the land is in Public Ownership and will remain so. 

Q. Who will pay for all the developments? 

A. It will be a combination of support from Fingal CC and funds raised by St Sylvesters GAA  Club. 

Q. What happens if the membership does not endorse this plan? 

A. We will not plan to undertake this development programme and will attempt to manage  with the facilities we currently have (subject to the continued successful granting of annual leases on  the playing areas that are owned by Fingal CC).  

This will not preclude Fingal CC from, at any time, changing the playing assets they make  available for our use in the future.  

As a club we are experiencing substantial growth in our juvenile sections. If this proposal is rejected,  we forecast that will we not have the appropriate playing resources to cater for our growth.

St Sylvester's GAA Club Executive

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